I want to tell you about a wonderful woman called Stephanie.
She's one of those superhumans who just gets sh*t done.
And not just any old sh*t - THE GOOD sh*t.
Meaningful, purposeful stuff that turns heads, fills people's cup and makes the world a better place.
If you don't know the Ikigai principle, it's the bit that sits happily in the 'what the world needs from you' quadrant.
Stephanie has been growing her business, but with limited success. It needed funding - partnerships, sponsors and contributors. And ducks in a row, not running around causing chaos.
But there was something else holding the business back, especially when it came to growing the revenue of the business.
Stephanie had created an incredible community orientated business. One that had huge potential to grow and thrive.
But unintentionally, she was starving it of oxygen.
Because she was scared that she wasn't the right person to be the face of it.
To walk into a room, make the introduction and then state the ask.
"Hi I'm Stephanie, this is what I do, and this is why you would like very much to give us your money".
Stephanie had created a very transactional business model which meant that generating revenue had quickly become ugly and divisive.
We worked together on all elements of her brand proposition to make sure she had a coherent, practical plan. And we paid particular attention to this - the messy middle bit where she was trying to be too many things to too many different people and wasn't clear on exactly what she was, for whom and for what gain.
Once that was straight, everything started to fall into place.
Now she has a plan that she can action, renewed confidence, and although she was unstoppable before, now she's unstoppable without the detours, distractions or ducks.
Want to find out where the opportunities and clarity are hiding in your brand strategy?
I'm Catherine and I sort out the messy middle that is stopping your brand proposition from connecting with your customer, including how your personal brand influences that.
Let's talk.
